renewable energy
Renewable Energies

Renewable energy is more than solar and wind only

Solar / PV

Wind Power



Battery Storage

What we do

We design, build, operate and maintain distributed / on-site generation (OSG) renewable power facilities from 50kW to 500MW. 

We employ various best in class technologies supplying uninterrupted electricity to public and private clients, developers, commercial and industrial organisations, industrial parks, estates, homeowners and underserved communities.


Sustainable – Inexhaustible energy from nature.

Cost-effective –The cheapest energy you will find.

Energy independent – No reliance from grid feed.

Healthy – No harmful carbon missions.

Energy storage – Store unused energy for later use.


Capturing free, abundant energy from the sun is not only environmentally friendly, but it also realise highly favorable economic benefits.

Whilst energy costs continue to rise year on year, investing in solar will give you control on electrical expenditure over its life cycle of 25 years plus.


Africa proofs enormous potential for wind power generation.

Grüner are actively looking into accelerating wind power across Africa. Providing end to end solutions in developing, installing and operating wind power facilities we would like to be your partner in harnessing wind energy.

Hybrid Solutions

Grüner provide innovative hybrid solar, wind and battery storage solutions integrated with low-carbon gas backup generation. 24/7 Cost effective electrical demand is a major requirement in commercial and industrial sectors. Urban and remote industries typically rely on costly diesel generation to mitigate unreliable or no grid feed.

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)

Continuous escalation of electricity prices and disruptions to supply not only makes battery storage a good investment but also provides long term reliability. BESS acts like a shock absorber in your energy network, unused energy gets stored for immediate application when needed. 

Grüner integrate BESS into a single energy asset.


With our African presence and development partners we invest in greenfield renewable energy projects across Africa. >

Biofuel, biogas and geothermal energy generation

Geothermal Energy / Steam

This energy source from earths deep sedimentary basins provides a stable baseload without storage requirement, it presents a long-term and low-risk advantage and a heat recovery by product.

We engage from feasibility stage in bringing the project to commercial realization.

Biomass / Biogas Energy

Today we convert almost any dry agricultural or forestry organic matter into a clean synthetic combustible gas for power generation.

Modular- / medium scale systems range from 50kW to 20MW with multi generations engines.

3 Step process – gasification process, syngas purification and finally gas to power generation. > 

Biomass produced fuels

Bioethanol – through fermentation of sugars

Glycerol – for hydrogen or chemical production

Renewable Methanol – high-density and low-carbon alternative

Biodiesel – does not contain sulfur compounds

Captured carbon dioxide are used as a raw material in various chemical applications. >

Future fuels  already bringing massive change in the renewable economy.

Grüner will continue its investment in hydrogen energy towards net-zero generation and fuel supply.

Hydrogen is the energy of the future with applications beginning to emerge globally.

Hydrogen electrolisers is ideal for industry with a wide variety of low-noise applications. >

Green Ammonia

 Green Ammonia smart plants are fully automated and range from modular 50,000MTPA upwards.

Facilities are flexible, environmentally friendly with no carbon emissions.  >


In future renewable fuels will dominate energy markets by replacing high-emission fossil fuels such as diesel, coal, etc. Early transition to renewable is advised to avoid stranded assets.

 Future fuels are currently widely used the marketplace globally and being used in transport, power generation, chemicals and fertilisers and many more applications.  >